Original link: https://communities.springernature.com/posts/protein-structure-mapping-unveiling-the-mechanism-of-diazirine-photo-reactions
Diazirine, a functional group known for its three-membered ring that opens upon irradiation, has been widely used in photo-chemistry. Despite its broad application, the photo-reaction mechanisms of alkyl diazirines, especially their intermediate pathways and preferences towards protein residues, remained poorly understood. Addressing this knowledge gap was crucial for leveraging photo-cross-linking (PXL)’s full potential in protein structure analysis.
In our recent paper, “Dissecting Diazirine Photo-reaction Mechanism for Protein Residue-Specific Cross-linking and Distance Mapping“, published in Nature Communication, we delved into the intricate mechanisms of diazirine photo-reactions. Our goal was to accurately identify the photo-cross-linked protein residue for protein strucure mapping, which has long been accomplished with chemical cross-linkers.
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